Training Philosophy

My philosophy on building muscle, losing weight, and whatever goals you are trying to reach stems from my years of research on exercise, nutrition, health, and fitness, my certifications in personal training and yoga, and, most importantly, over 10 years of trial and error with my own body.

Our bodies are, at their most basic level, made of energy. We are energetic beings. I have known this since I was a teenager, but didn’t start putting this into practice in my workouts until the last few years—and I have gotten the most growth these last few years with this knowledge. As stated on the home page of this website, “the body achieves what the mind believes.” Every action that you take, whether performing daily routine tasks, working, running, or lifting weights, you achieve because your mind commits to performing the action. Linking your mind to the muscle, when attempting to make your muscles stronger, is imperative for optimal growth. In addition, linking your breath to each movement, energetically puts you in the mindset to be able to do this much more easily. My philosophy behind training links yoga with strength training, and it has turned my workouts into a much more mindful, effective practice.